
Will my Electric Service be different if I am on SmartPay?

No. You will receive the same reliable electric service. Since you will receive low balance and pending disconnect notifications prior to disconnect, you will know if you are experiencing a power outage or have just run out of money on your SmartPay account. And, if you have a power outage, our crews will still be on standby, ready to assist you. To report power outages, call us at (800) 273-7210.

Will I still be a Cooperative Member?

Absolutely! You are a member of Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative for as long as you receive electricity from Coosa Valley Electric and maintain a membership.

What if my SmartPay account runs low?

You manage your SmartPay account. You can receive low balance notices by email, telephone and text, based on the notification preferences you choose. This will give you time to purchase power before your service is disconnected. If you do not purchase more power, your service will be disconnected. Once you make a payment, your service will be reconnected.