A bitter cold January: saving energy and money through impending cold snap

Sun through window
Photo by Rob Wingate on Unsplash

The National Weather Service continues to forecast unseasonably cold temperatures for Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative’s territory for several days in January.


Meteorologists predict lows will hover near 20 while highs will stay near or below 40 for much of the first full week of January.


But the cold weather doesn’t have to break the bank with energy costs. Follow these tips to ensure your home is heating effectively and efficiently:


  • Open curtains on south-facing windows during daytime hours to allow sunlight to heat the home. This reduces the reliance on electric-based heating sources. Be sure to close the curtains at night to provide a barrier against colder temperatures.
  • Cover windows with a clear plastic lining to provide a layer of insulation.
  • When you are away from home, lower the temperatures on your heating sources. Smart or programmable thermostats make it easy to return the temperatures to a comfortable level before your return home.
  • Seal leaks around utility entrances (like pipes) and gaps around fireplaces, windows and doors.
  • Schedule routine services for your heating systems to ensure they are running at highest efficiency possible.


For more tips, visit https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/fall-and-winter-energy-saving-tips.


Source: U.S. Energy Department