A Gamble Not Worth It

Meter Tampering has Several Consequences

In tough economic times, people may attempt to route their electricity so it bypasses the meter and saves a few dollars. The practice of meter tampering, though, poses several risks and consequences.


  • It’s unsafe for you: Even though the electricity that reaches a meter has been “stepped down” for use in a dwelling, it’s still powerful enough to result in serious injury or death. Shocks, explosions and fires can result from tampering with any part of the electrical system.
  • It’s unsafe for others: Our engineering and operations departments design connections to the electrical grid with safety for everyone in mind. Attempts to alter these designs could expose others, including Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative personnel, to unknown risks.
  • It’s illegal: State laws allow for the prosecution of those suspected of meter tampering. Consequences include hefty fines and incarceration for more than one year!
  • It’s stealing from your cooperative: CVEC is a not-for-profit entity, and any excess revenues are eventually returned to the membership — or anyone who uses its power. Since meter tampering reduces revenues, it lowers the returns members could expect in later years.

With these facts in mind, CVEC strongly discourages meter tampering. It’s not worth the few dollars saved. If you suspect someone of meter tampering, please call (256) 362-4180 or (800) 273-7210 to report your concern.

Good Friday Closing: Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative’s offices will be closed April 7 in observance of Good Friday. Consumers can still pay their bills that day through an online account at Coosa Valley Billing website, via phone at (800) 273-7210 or by placing a payment in the night deposit box in the drive-thru. Consumers can also pay at any MoneyGram location (receive code 13933).