Check Before You Shoot

Wayward gunfire during hunting season can damage fiber, electric lines

Fiber optic cable with hole from small projectile
Even small pellets from gunfire can damage fiber optic lines like this one.

With dove season beginning in early September, Coosa Valley Technologies and Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative encourage the public to exercise caution when hunting in areas with utility lines.

Wayward gunfire, even those involving small pellets, can damage fiber optic and electrical lines and equipment — leading to expensive repairs and long outages. In order to protect the internet and power services of everyone, CVT and CVEC implore hunters to follow these safety tips while dove hunting:

  • Identify potential hazards: Before hunting, locate where utility lines are. Keep in mind trees or other objects can hide these lines, and lines can be difficult to see in low light. Check with landowners or other hunters about any potential problems.
  • Stay a safe distance from utility equipment: Keep away from utility poles, lines, substations and transformers. Accidental damage can pose safety risks and be costly.
  • Never shoot at birds on overhead lines: Even a small-caliber shot can tear down a line or damage it, creating outages and a serious hazard.
  • Report downed lines immediately: If you see a downed power line, stay at least 35 feet away and report it to authorities immediately.

In addition to the service, safety and monetary concerns, deliberately shooting utility lines is illegal and will result in prosecution.

Coosa Valley Technologies and Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative hope the public enjoys the sport of dove hunting while keeping everyone safe and services operating.

To report CVEC power outages, call (800) 273-7210. To report broadband internet outages to CVT, call (877) 618-9916, option 2.