Curious About Streaming?
Are you thinking about getting rid of your cable or satellite TV service? Let’s look at some information that may help you make that decision!
Streaming is watching videos, movies, and TV programs or playing games and music over the Internet.
- There’s on demand streaming like Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu where you can watch what you want whenever you want.
- There’s live streaming which is watching or listening to live programming as you have on your cable or satellite service, except it’s coming to you over the Internet.
There are multiple streaming services available to choose from. This gives the user more options and freedom than pre-determined programming from a cable or TV provider.
- Each streaming service has its own unique layout and customer experience.
- Most streaming services organize their programming by category or genre such as action, comedy, romance, and many others.
Every customer has their favorite channels. It is a smart decision to review the various streaming providers and their channel lineups to find the one that suits your needs. Some of the most popular options are:
- YouTube TV
- Hulu with Live TV
- Sling TV
All of these options offer something different and allow the customer to take control of their entertainment choices.
In order to determine the total cost of your streaming services, add the cost of your:
- Coosa Valley Technologies internet service
- Choice of streaming services
Streaming services rarely have any service contracts and also offer free trials. Try them out and see if streaming could work for you and your family!
Broadband Dictionary
Data Caps
- Data caps are monthly limits on the amount of data you can use over your internet connection
- Coosa Valley Technologies is not enforcing a data cap for any services allowing unlimited use of a customer’s internet connection
Service Contract
- It is an agreement between a service provider and a customer that promises service for a specific period of time
- Coosa Valley Technologies will not require a service contract for any services
- Customers will be allowed to cancel a service at any time without penalty
Symmetrical Network
- Coosa Valley Technologies is offering a symmetrical, dedicated fiber connection for all services
- A symmetrical network allows a customer to receive identical speeds for their upload and download service
- This type of network has the fastest speeds possible
Upload Speed
- Refers to the rate at which your device can transmit information to the internet
Download Speed
- Refers to the rate at which your device can receive information from the internet
- A service allowing computers, smartphones, or other devices to connect to the internet or communication with one another wirelessly within a particular area
- Coosa Valley Technologies offers managed Wi-Fi service and 24 hour phone support for $10 per month